8 de junio de 2014

Alma libre


Domingo caluroso, la temperatura ha subido así que el verano esta llegando y para este mes de junio llegara a nuestra ciudad...cada mañana sera la duda que ponerme que no me hagas pasar mucha calor...que me sienta bonita y cómoda...hace unos días que los días estaban grises y seguía con mangas largas...así que me hice la sección de fotos de esta nueva entrada...es mi despedida a la primavera con su locura de cambios climáticos...me puse mi blusa de gasa estampada que me compre en la rebajas del verano pasado...y unos shorts...hasta ultima hora hay que aprovechar las prendas que te gusten...y sacar del armario las de verano...que ganas ya de ponerme vestido...con tirantes...faldas y shorts...mis sandalias con tacón...mis bolsos de nALUCA et moi...mañana lunes tendré que volver a ordenar mi armario...harás lo mismo??? Ya me contaras, deja un comentario...

On warm Sunday, the temperature has risen so the summer this one coming and for this June it was coming to our city ... every morning sera the doubt that to put that you do not make to me spend a lot of heat ... that feels nice and comfortable ... for a few days the days were gray and it was continuing with long sleeves ... so I did to myself the section of photos of this new entry ... it is my farewell to the spring with his madness of climate changes ... I put on my blouse of stamped gauze that buys me in her reductions of last summer ... and a few shorts ... until the last hour it is necessary to take advantage of the articles that you like ... and to extract of the cupboard those of summer ... that you gain already of becoming dressed ... with suspenders ... skirts and shorts ... my sandals with heel ... my purses of nALUCA et moi ... tomorrow on Monday I will have to return to order my cupboard ... will you do the same thing??? Already you were telling me, it leaves a commen

* Blusa de gasa de Zara Trafaluc 5,99 E (sales)
* Shorts denim de Berskha 5,99 E (sales)
* Medias de Calzedonia 7,99 E
* Bolso customizado de nALUCA et moi
* Zapatos de Mary Paz 9,99 E (sales)

Estilismo: Carmen Montero
Fotografias: Carmen Montero


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