29 de agosto de 2011

Caminando para Soñar

Hoy es lunes pero mi aventura que voy a contar sucedió ayer domingo...como algunas veces hago...este ultimo día de la semana...hace sol y una brisa especial...me pongo guapa y salgo hacerme fotos...es toda una aventura ver como la gente te miran...unos sonríen...otros te miran raro...menos mal que paso...y sigo a mi rollo...ayer vestía con un vestido largo...comprado en mis vacaciones...así que estrene...pose con mirada dulce...pensativa en algunos momentos...tengo tanto que hacer aun...antes que acabe el año...preparar una exposición...presenta un proyecto...seguir escribiendo en mi armario...dibujar...pintar sonrisas y viajar...esto ultimo en breve...aun no digo donde...como veis la vida es mas bonita de lo que a veces pensamos...con ganas de soñar...os presento a la nueva YO...

Today it is Monday but my adventure that I am going to count happened yesterday on Sunday ... since often I do ... I finalize this one day of the week ... it is sunny and a special breeze ... I become handsome and go out to do photos to me ... it is the whole adventure to see as the people they look at you ... some smile ... others look at you rarely ... less badly that I happen ... and I continue to my roll ... yesterday it was dressing with a long garment ... bought in my vacations ... so it puts on ... pose with sweet look ... thoughtful in some moments ... I have so much that to do even ... before that finishes the year ... to prepare an exhibition ... he presents a project ... to continue writing in my cupboard ... to draw ... to paint smiles and to travel ... this I finalize shortly ... even I do not say where ... since you see the life it is nicer about what sometimes we think ... with desire of dreaming ... you I present to the new one...

* Vestido largo de Made in Spain 39 E
* Bolso de Misako 15 E
* Sandalias de Dionne 12 E

Estilismo: Carmen Montero
Fotografías: Carmen Montero

1 comentario:

nALUCA et moi dijo...

Anybody say something???? :)